Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

Contents Protocol

Hi everyone, good afternoon, see you again with me. I want to introduce a new platform that is interesting and might help us all.

What is the Contents Protocol?
Contents Protocol is a content exchange protocol that enables content providers and users to co-exist and collaborate sustainably.
Existing traditional platforms have strong growth for users who consume content produced by creators. Creators, however, receive only a fraction of the platform's revenue. There is also a lack of transparency in which profits are distributed to different stakeholders.
Contents Protocol attempts to change this by distributing more than 75% of the total license fee to creators. The platform will maintain only 5-10% of total revenue, with the remainder distributed to users who consume the content. In this way, all stakeholders benefit from the growth of the ecosystem.

Contents Protocol .. is a project that aims to use decentralization and blockchain technology in content exchanges. Content providers and users can coexist and collaborate in a sustainable and secure manner. More than 75% of the total licensing fees are distributed to creators. Similar, we will talk to you today about the project and its idea, the team, its contributors, its own tokens, and a conclusion about the project's ability to succeed.

Project name: Contents Protocol
Token symbol: CPT
Hard cap: 40,000 ether (ICO contributors own 30% of total token supply)
Conversion rate: TBA
Maximum market cap at ICO on a fully diluted basis: $72 million assuming current ether price of $540
Bonus structure: TBA
Private sale / white list: Private sale ongoing
ERC20 token: Yes
Countries excluded: TBA
Timeline: TBA (Please refer to Content Protocol's website for the most up-to-date information)
Token distribution date: TBA

How advanced is the project?
WATCHA is the company supporting the Contents Protocol project. WATCHA, Inc. WATCHA, WATCHA MUSIC, WATCHA WEBTOON Six years ago in Korea and Japan, it now has 3.8 million members.
It has also been awarded the "Best App for the Year" by Apple and Google each year since 2013. Platform users see an average of 18 hours of content per month. WATCHA has license deals with 50 content providers including HBO, Disney, Sony Pictures, Fox Network, BBC and others.
The first platform to be integrated with Contents Protocol is Watcha TV, which will be VOD (Video on Demand) service in Korea.
The Contents Protocol itself is still under development, but there is agreement between it and WATCHA, an application with 4.7 assessment and 3.8 million users.

Project roadmap
  • Q3 2018 - Transactional VOD service with WATCHA and 3rd parties.
  • Q4 2018 - Subscription based VOD
  • Q1 2019 - Subscription to Music Service
  • Q2 2019 - Transactional Webtoon/Novel Service
  • Q3 2019 - Transactional E-Book Service
  • Q4 2019 - Integrated Subscription Service
Tokens and its value
Tokens will contain many functions on the platform. There will be two different icons (CPT and CP Power) consisting of the network.
The two icons will be 1: 1 conversionable, with CPT symbols immediately converted to Power CP codes. However, there will be a 4-week lock period for conversions from CPT to CP Power.
CPT tokens will be used as a convertible payment symbol that can be traded on exchanges and used as a payment to creators and (2) to purchase content by users. It will also be used as a return for users against their network contributions (i.e. referrals, reviews, etc.).
CP will be used as a staking network, and can not be sold immediately. When signed, it can provide diverse benefits for users and creators, such as free advertising, and increase user revenue for their contributions to the network.

There are total of 34 team members with the following being the core:
  • Taehoon Park, CEO and co-founder – the CEO of WATCHA since 2011. Previously game programmer at Nexon.
  • Alex Jihyun Won, COO and co-founder – COO of WATCHA since 2011. Previously Co-Founder at Onepiece.
  • Teddy Taehyun Lee, Lead Mobile Developer - Has a degree in electrical engineering, and was a developer on MapleStory for the Taiwan and HK branches.
  • Buzz Insoo Jung, Lead Backend Developer - Degree in electrical engineering, and 13 years’ experience in server developer positions.
  • The team also has a suite of advisors including Teddy Zee, Former EVP of Columbia Pictures and SVP or Paramount Pictures, Simon Kim, CEO of Hashed, Shuan Djie, Co-founder of DigixGlobal, Lim Hong Zhuang, CEO of XSQ, Jun Kim, Partner of Kakao Ventures, and more.
  • Investors of the project include Hashed, Kakao Ventures, and XSQ.
For stirring: Good. The token measures are reasonable with some fairly long retention of pre-held participants. With the growing and growing user base in WATCHA, we believe there should be a lot of unmet demand after the tokens are handled.
For a long-term contract: good. The target users of the project are consumers and producers, often consisting of South Korea and Japan. They are most receptive to using digital currencies. Besides the extensive user base of WATCHA, we believe that the Content Protocol has a good chance of success.

For more information about the Contents Protocol


Jumat, 28 Desember 2018


Crypto Wine Exchange , WEX Limited Гонконг в сотрудничестве с DotChain GmbH Швейцария намерена преобразовать винодельческую отрасль, предоставив владельцам криптовалюты безопасную платформу для торговли хорошим вином.

Швейцария, 2 октября 2018 года, WEX Limited Гонконг в сотрудничестве с DotChain GmbH начинает свое мероприятие ICO для Первой в мире децентрализованной торговой платформы для винных изделий. Crypto Wine Exchange - основанная на блокчейне платформа для торговли прекрасными винами, соединяющая владельцев криптовалют с рынком винных вин без каких-либо сложностей регулирования. Предоставление ответственности инвесторам при обеспечении надежной конфиденциальности, таможенного хранения, аутентичности и аутентификации продуктов - все это поддерживается от имени клиентов. Транзакции могут выполняться с использованием различной популярной криптовалюты и встроенного в платформу токена CWEX. Владельцы криптовалюты теперь будут иметь возможность делать ощутимые и отслеживаемые инвестиции в ценные активы.

Взрыв криптовалюты в последние годы вызвал огромный и постоянный интерес к инвестициям в блокчейн, в результате чего его стоимость взлетела до рекордных уровней в конце 2017 года. Однако недавнее снижение заставило комментаторов предположить, что это был пузырь и как признак нестабильности cryptocurrencies. Поддержка инвестиций в криптовалюту в материальные и стабильные активы, такие как хорошее вино, является ключом к более безопасному и более предсказуемому росту инвестиций.

Хорошее вино доказало свою эффективность в качестве краткосрочных стабильных инвестиций с низким уровнем риска. Индекс Wine Owners 150 вырос на 8% в 2017 году, опираясь на звездный рост в 25%, отмеченный в 2016 году. Ожидается, что 2018 год также не разочарует с ростом на 8,35% с начала года. Даже с учетом более продолжительных инвестиционных периодов - от 5 до 10 лет, хорошее вино имеет высокую оценку 267%. Растущий спрос со стороны азиатских рынков и неопределенность климата могут привести к еще большему увеличению прибыли в ближайшем будущем.

Тем не менее, несмотря на то, что за последние несколько лет во всем мире росли рынки вин, все еще существует множество правовых и практических препятствий, мешающих инвесторам криптовалюты войти на рынок, в частности, высокие налоги, сборы, правовые нормы и зачастую запутанный торговый процесс. 
CWEX стремится оживить и оптимизировать инвестиционный процесс от имени инвестора, предлагая хорошую платформу для торговли вином со следующими функциями: 
· Высокая анонимность и безопасность благодаря сертификатам владения на основе блокчейна. 
· Децентрализованная система, устойчивая к организованным атакам и региональным ограничениям. 
· Прозрачный и динамичный торговый процесс. 
· Общее управление хранением, налогообложением и правовыми нормами.
· Гарантированная аутентичность хорошего вина от проверенных партнеров

Консолидированный взгляд на мировой рынок винных вин CWEX позволяет трейдерам покупать и продавать вино, одновременно устанавливая и корректируя свои цены в реальном времени. Торговая платформа также предложит автоматическую систему управления портфелем, которая позволит участникам управлять своими коллекциями вин на личном уровне и торговать ими, несмотря на то, что место хранения находится в другом месте. Управление портфелем является дополнительной функцией платформы.

Платформа CWEX основана на проверенной децентрализованной структуре приложений. Он будет предлагать передовые пользовательские возможности благодаря транзакциям за доли секунды, дружественному интерфейсу и потоку актуальной информации, которая расширяет возможности каждого. Надежные инвестиции в качественное вино больше не являются привилегией, предлагаемой исключительно дорогими посредниками.

Владельцы криптовалюты уверены в безопасности инвестиций. CWEX обеспечивает строгую проверку и аудит винных дилеров, которые хотят участвовать на платформе. Они предлагают страховку от мошенничества, стихийных бедствий, неправильного хранения и любых других непредвиденных действий, которые могут угрожать инвестициям. В дополнение к мерам безопасности, CWEX выдает сертификат блокчейна на каждую бутылку вина, продаваемую через платформу. Эта сертификация является доказательством того, что покупатель владеет вином в реальной жизни.

CWEX объявляет о своей массовой продаже Pre-ICO с 15 декабря 2018 года по 9 января 2019 года. Период продажи продлится с 10 января 2019 года по 21 марта 2019 года. 62% всей поставки токенов будет продано во время предварительной продажи и основной продажи. 38% всей суммы жетонов будет распределено команде CWEX (14%), кампании за вознаграждение (3%), будущим заинтересованным сторонам (4%), юридическим и финансовым (5%) и сообществу и росту (12%).

Став инвестором токена CWEX, вы получите дополнительную выгоду: в 
течение ограниченного времени вновь представленные винные активы можно будет приобрести только с использованием токенов CWEX. Этот период «приоритетной полосы CWEX» будет применяться к более эксклюзивным предложениям начальных предметов. Периоды эксклюзивности устанавливаются в диапазоне от часов до конечного количества дней в зависимости от ожидаемого интереса к каждому продукту.

Транзакция может быть произведена с использованием ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, EOS, NEO, ZEC, XMR и USDT. Сообщение о первоначальном предложении монет будет размещено на нашем официальном сайте.

О WEX Ltd и DotChain GmbH 
WEX - это гонконгская компания, специализирующаяся на разработке и эксплуатации платформы для торговли активами на основе блокчейна. 
DotChain, базирующаяся в Швейцарии, специально нацелена на обеспечение юридического, административного управления и управления поставщиками от имени партнеров и клиентов платформы CWEX.

Чтобы загрузить их Белую книгу, и для получения дополнительной информации:



Hello everyone, good afternoon
Today I want to offer you a unique project, and that is quite promising. So, read and enjoy. Wine is an integral part of traditional food, culture, which is not only a superficial hunger strike, and an entire ceremony. Today there are many good wine connoisseurs. And it must be noted that the wine industry - a very profitable and promising asset. And because investment is now very popular, and they only grow. However, the current trading platform is very complex and has high processing costs. this is a new cryptocurrency designed to create a trading platform designed for the wine trade. This is a cryptocurrency that allows wine traders and cryptocurrency holders to trade and store quality wines on the platform in exchange for CWEX / BTC / ETH / NEO / USDT. This brings together wine owners, producers and wine connoisseurs who are good on the real market in the same system.

Crypto Wine Exchange, WEX Limited Hong Kong in synergy with Swiss DotChain GmbH will change the wine industry by providing a safe platform for cryptocurrency owners to trade quality wines.

Switzerland, 2 October 2018, WEX Limited Hong Kong in synergy with DotChain GmbH launching the ICO event for the World's First Decentralized Wine Trading Platform. Crypto Wine Exchange is a blockchain-based wine trading platform that connects cryptocurrency owners to a quality wine market without regulatory complications. Placing investors as responsible people while offering strong privacy, tied storage, product authenticity and authentication, all managed on behalf of clients. Transactions can be done using various popular cryptocurrency and native CWEX tokens platforms. Cryptocurrency owners will now have the opportunity to invest in real, traceable high-value assets.

The cryptocurrency boom in recent years has brought great and sustained interest in blockchain investment, causing its value to soar to record levels at the end of 2017. However, the recent decline has led commentators to speculate that it is a bubble and a sign of corporate instability. cryptocurrency. Supporting cryptocurrency investment in tangible and stable assets such as pure wine is the key to safer and more predictable investment growth.

Quality wines have proven to be short-term, low-risk, and stable investments. The Wine Owners 150 index rose 8% in 2017, building a 25% star increase in 2016. 2018 is expected not to disappoint with an increase of 8.35% Year to Date. Even considering a longer investment period - 5 to 10 years, high-quality wine gets a profit of 267%. Increasing demand from the Asian market and climate uncertainty can drive higher returns in the near future.

The main function of the platform:
Detailed information about ICO

CWEX is a unique crypto Wine Exchange token. This will be used to make transactions at CWEX, which will reduce trading commissions.

Token name - Crypto Wine Exchange

CWEX sign symbol

Total number of tokens issued: 89,000 000

ICO period until: December 15, 2018, January 9, 2019

Number of tokens sold - 55,180,000 (62%)

The price of the Pre-ICO token is $ 0.16

The token fee on the ICO is $ 0.20

ICO Period: 10 January 2019 until 21 March 2019

Currency received - EOS, ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, NEO, ZEC, XMR, USDT

The minimum investment amount is $ 50.

Soft cover - 1,000,000 US dollars

Hard Cap - 10,000 US dollars

Maximum investment - 100,000 US dollars

Unsold tokens will be burned.

Token Distribution:

Use of funds:

for more information, visit the following link:


Senin, 24 Desember 2018


Blockchain Technology a le potentiel de créer de nouveaux modèles commerciaux offrant des avantages mesurables et mesurables aux secteurs public et privé. L'infrastructure commerciale de la société moderne s'est développée pour prendre en charge les plus grands marchés où l'information est l'actif le plus précieux. L’avenir de Blockchain n’est pas un réseau pour tous les gérer, mais de nombreux réseaux de blocs, tels que l’Internet.

La monnaie électronique - c'est le dernier, qui est partout aujourd'hui. Bitcoin a été un grand succès pour la première monnaie électronique, comme le prouve tout expert financier. L'Internet des objets (IoT) est l'une des technologies émergentes.

Athero est une plate-forme conçue pour améliorer le commerce en combinant l'Internet des objets et la technologie blockchain. Athero comprend un système d'exploitation distribué en boucle ouverte, utilisant des entreprises virtuelles dans des réseaux d'entreprise et un algorithme convenu pour la mise en œuvre de solutions hors ligne plus avancées répondant aux besoins de flux d'informations et de recherche de produits.

Bien que la conception d’Athero s’inspire de la conception des précédents blocages, Athero réalise également des décennies de recherche dans divers domaines de l’informatique parallèle et distribuée, des mathématiques et du langage de programmation. La plate-forme comprend une structure modulaire traversante qui se lie au développement de logiciels et d’extensions industrielles. En termes simples, Athero est un écosystème mondial de crypto-devises à haut rendement qui ne repose pas sur des banques ou d’autres institutions financières.

Le protocole Athero vise à résoudre des tâches clés qui limitent le partage d'expérience et l'intégrité des données dans les chaînes de produits intellectuels. 
à propos de l'athérome

Athero est un nouveau protocole blockchain développé et optimisé spécifiquement pour les applications commerciales et commerciales. En utilisant Athero, toutes les parties intéressées peuvent partager leurs données en toute sécurité et conserver des données confidentielles de manière permanente. Athero est une entreprise et non un écosystème. La technologie Athero compare le réseau de blocs de réseaux avec Internet. 
Athero connectera des réseaux plus petits et variés pour créer des chaînes véritablement mondiales capables d'étendre et d'étendre Internet. Athero est une plate-forme informatique publique, basée sur des blocs, décentralisée, distribuée et rentable. En combinant deux technologies de pointe - Blockchain et Internet of Things, Athero fournit un écosystème hautement évolutif et sécurisé pour la monnaie électronique.

La structure de la plate-forme ICO Athero est une infrastructure informatique de pointe, distribuée, rentable et économique, axée sur la croissance et la prospérité. Athero est une plate-forme d'amélioration des transactions commerciales associant la technologie de l'Internet des objets et la technologie des chaînes de blocs. La conception d'Athero est basée sur la conception des chaînes de blocs précédentes, mais elle a permis de réaliser des décennies de recherche, même dans le domaine de l'informatique distribuée parallèle, des mathématiques et du langage de programmation.

Un écosystème qui allie finance, blocus et internet. Une plate-forme sophistiquée est construite sur la plate-forme de la tête de boule Ehereum.

THO est un superordinateur global, open-source et décentralisé, accessible à tous. Il est sécurisé, fiable et en pleine expansion. Le toner Athero THO sera répertorié dans plusieurs points d'échange de premier niveau. Notre équipe a déjà passé des accords avec des représentants de ces marchés.
  • Applications de contrat intelligentes (DAaps)
  • Réseau P2P décentralisé
  • Wifi smart smart grid solaire (IOT)
  • Technologie du stationnement intellectuel (IOT)
  • Réception et distribution des données IOT
  • Un système de domaine décentralisé avec échange de données prêt à l'emploi
  • Capteurs tactiles pour l'air et la pollution (IOT)
  • Echange lecentralisé
  • La communauté est en pleine expansion
L'objectif d'Athero Le but 
ultime de THO est de créer une solution tout-en-un et d'offrir un large éventail de services du marché au financement. Nos clients - entreprises et particuliers - recevront tous les services nécessaires à partir d’une plate-forme unique. La technologie Blockchain nous donne la possibilité de rendre vos finances plus rapides, avec un meilleur rendement.


Les structures de données cryptographiques modernes et une décentralisation inégalée assurent l'efficacité et éliminent les défaillances en un point.
Les relations d'affiliation 
d'Athero permettent aux partenariats de tous les secteurs de mettre en œuvre la technologie de la blockchain dans le monde réel.
Les dernières technologies d' Athero explorent en permanence les normes technologiques les plus récentes et élargissent constamment leur collaboration avec les instituts de recherche internationaux afin de maintenir la technologie à jour.
Expansion rapide 
Athero accorde une attention particulière aux technologies Web et utilise une approche mobile pour amener la technologie de la blockchain au prochain niveau d'adoption.

Les technologies de base du 
circuit THO Athero Chain (THO) ont adopté le cryptage asymétrique. Tant que la clé privée est stockée correctement, les données ne peuvent pas être cassées, même si elles sont collectées. Dans le même temps, tous les nœuds au niveau THO, ce qui protège la confidentialité des utilisateurs. De plus, sur la base d'un caractère qui ne peut pas être bloqué par une chaîne de blocs, les fabricants et les fournisseurs de services ne pourront pas interférer avec les informations des utilisateurs. Nous nous efforçons d’appliquer dans la vie réelle. Athero remplira les espaces vides du modèle économique actuel.

  • Vente publique de l'OIC ICO débutera 
  • le samedi 20 septembre 2018 à 11h00. 
  • La vente publique de l'OIC se terminera 
  • le 15 janvier 2019 au vendredi 11h00 (GMT).

Structure des bonus: 
  • 1er mois 30% (1 THO = 0.028 USD) 
  • 2ème mois 20% (1 THO = 0.032 USD) 
  • 3ème mois 10% (1 THO = 0.036 USD) 
  • 4ème mois 0% (1 THO = 0,04 $)

Options de paiement: 
Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Bitcoincash, Ethereum Classic, NEM, NEO. 
Tous les jetons qui ne sont pas vendus à la vente de jetons seront brûlés. 
Votre solde de jetons sera visible sur votre compte personnel à l' 
adresse immédiatement après la transaction. Lorsque la vente de jetons et le processus KYC sont terminés, vous pouvez transférer les jetons THO dans votre 
sac à main Ethereum spécifié dans votre compte.

Jeton: THO 
THO est un marqueur basé sur Ethereum, implémenté sous le numéro ERC20 et permettant aux participants 
de contribuer et de participer à la création d’un nouvel écosystème de la chaîne.

Distribution de jetons

Équipe de projet:
Thomas Plattsmier 
PDG + Cofondateur

Niou Someya est 

Jay Friscia 
Développeur logiciel, co-fondateur

Madhu Sahota est un 

Lukas Zadorozny 
Développement logiciel, marketing

Alex Dehlinger 
Marketing, relations publiques

Yagi Taisho 
Responsable logiciel technique

Feuille de route du projet:

Pour plus d'informations sur le projet, veuillez consulter les liens ci-dessous:




An ecosystem which combines Finance, Blockchain and The Internet Of Things. Complex platform build on top of the Ehereum blockchain.

THO is a global, open source and decentralized supercomputer which anyone can access. Secured, Trusted and Fast expanding.

Athero THO token will be listed at several top tier cryptocurrency exchanges . Our team has reached preliminary agreements with representatives of these markets.
  • Smart contract applications (DAaps)
  • Decentralized p2p network
  • Wifi ready solar smart bench network (IOT)
  • Smart car parking technology(IOT)
  • Receiving and distributing IOT data
  • Decentralized domain system with ready data sharing
  • Air and pollution smart sensors (IOT)
  • Decentralized exchange
  • Fast expanding community

The ultimate goal of THO is to be the all-in-one solution and offer a wide array of services from market to finance.

Our clients – both corporate and private ones – will access all the services they need from a single platform. Blockchain technology gives us the chance to make your finances grow faster with better returns.


Smart cities concept. (IOT)
  • Wifi ready solar smart bench network . Located across the world in smart cities.
  • Smart car parking technology (Independent sensor networks in different zones that can detect, via magnetic fields, whether a parking spot is available or occupied )
  • Sensors for a smart and healthy environment (Network with air pollution sensors, radio/gsm/wifi burglar sensors which is focused on health related impact )
We seek for real life application. Athero will fill an empty space in current economy model.

The currencies that will go-on to become large caps or mega caps will be the ones that actually have a differentiated business use case and customer value proposition.



State-of-the-art cryptographic datastructures and unparalleled decentralization provide efficiency and eliminate single-point-of-failure.


Athero is bootstrapping partnerships in different sectors to bring blockchain technology into real world use.

Cutting edge technology

Athero is continuously researching the newest technological standards and continuously expanding our cooperations with international research institutions to keep the technology safe and up to date.

Fast Expand + Adoption

Athero puts an emphasis on web technology and has a mobile-first approach to bring blockchain technology to the next level of adoption


Athero Chain(THO) has adopted the asymmetrical encryption. As long as the private key is kept properly, the data cannot be cracked even if it’s collected. At the same time, all the nodes in THO are equal, which protects the users’ privacy. Moreover, based on the character that blockchain cannot be tampered, the manufacturers and service providers will not be able to tamper with users information.

THO Blockchain can actually be thought of as the combination of several different existing technologies. While these technologies themselves aren’t new, it is the ways in which they are combined and applied which brought about Athero´s blockchain. Wifi ready solar smart bench network . Located across the world in smart cities. Smart car parking technology (Independent sensor networks in different zones that can detect, via magnetic fields, whether a parking spot is available or occupied ) Sensors for a smart and healthy environment (Network with air pollution sensors, radio/gsm/wifi burglar sensors which is focused on health related impact ) We seek for real life application. Athero will fill an empty space in current economy model. The currencies that will go-on to become large caps or mega caps will be the ones that actually have a differentiated business use case and customer value proposition.


  • Start: September 20, 2018, Saturday, 11:00 AM (GMT)
  • End: January 20, 2019, Friday, 11:00 AM (GMT)
  • Soft cap: $18,000,000
  • Tokens exchange rate: 1 THO = 0.04 USD
  • Token: THO
Token structure

Soft-cap Budget Allocation


  • Thomas Plattsmier: CEO + Co-founder
  • Niou Someya: Programmer
  • Jay Friscia: Software developer, Co-founder
  • Madhu Sahota: Software engineer
  • Lukas Zadorozny: Sofware developer, Marketing
  • Alex Dehlinger: Marketing, Public relations




  • Vendita Token Crowdsale 
  • Data di inizio ICO 01 ott 2018 
  • Data di fine ICO 31 gen 2019 
  • Token ICO fornisce 
  • Soft cap 10.000.000 USD (fiat) 
  • Dimensioni hard cap 20.000.000 USD (fiat) 
  • Dettagli dei token 
  • Ticker 
  • Tipo AID Criptovaluta 
  • Altre emissioni 
  • token Nessuna distribuzione token 37 , 7% - investitori (escalation) 13,3% - investitore (ICO) 
  • 10% - squadra 
  • 8% - taglia 
  • 10% - fondo di stabilizzazione 
  • 1% - bilancio di contributo sociale 
  • 10% - fondo di sviluppo ecosistemico 
  • 10% - budget airdrop 
  • Assegnazione fondi: 
  • 50% - gestione 
  • 10% - riserva 
  • 6% - sviluppo
  • 10% - fondo operazione 
  • 5% - ricerche di mercato, analisi 
  • 7% - marketing 
  • 2% - calcolo professionale 
  • 10% - legale / contabilità / tassazione

La piattaforma AIDUS Global D-Fund è un mercato di fondi decentralizzato fondato sulla rete ETHEREUM che funge da piattaforma di gestione patrimoniale professionale in cui investitori globali e società di gestione patrimoniale sono in grado di utilizzare le tecnologie Blockchain e i Contratti SMART per creare e stabilirsi in modo sicuro e trasparente in P2P Accordi di fondi (peer-to-peer).

Varie informazioni relative agli accordi sui fondi regolati devono essere registrate nella rete Blockchain e devono essere continuamente aggiornate tramite l'Agente Oracles *.

Questo progetto, ufficialmente denominato "AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform (ADFP)", è un'attività decentralizzata della piattaforma istituendo una "piattaforma di mercato dei fondi decentralizzati" in cui la moneta AIDUS fungerà da valuta principale che verrebbe utilizzata per la firma e rimborso di vari portafogli di fondi.

La piattaforma collegherà gli investitori globali (il gruppo di richiesta per la gestione patrimoniale) con società di gestione patrimoniale professionali, mentre fornirebbe il 'Sistema di negoziazione di Quantum (QTS)' alle società di gestione patrimoniale per creare diversi fondi di alto profitto. , tutti mirati a rivoluzionare veramente e stabilire un nuovo ecosistema di mercato globale della gestione patrimoniale.

Questo 'Business ADFP' è il primo progetto in assoluto unico al mondo che può essere spinto in avanti dai membri unici qui nel team di progetto AIDUS.

Informazioni su AIDUS 
La piattaforma AIDUS Global D-Fund è un mercato di fondi decentralizzato fondato sulla rete ETHEREUM per servire come una piattaforma di gestione patrimoniale professionale in cui investitori globali e società di gestione patrimoniale sono in grado di utilizzare le tecnologie Blockchain e SMART Contracts per creare e creare in modo sicuro e trasparente accontentarsi di accordi di fondi P2P (peer-to-peer). Varie informazioni relative agli accordi sui fondi regolati devono essere registrate nella rete Blockchain e devono essere continuamente aggiornate tramite l'Agente Oracles *.

La competitività principale del team di progetto AIDUS è rappresentata dalle tecnologie e dalle conoscenze in grado di assicurare stabilmente i profitti attraverso il sistema di scambio di margini FOREX (Foreign Exchange) nel mercato FOREX, consentendo a AIDUS di penetrare nel mercato unico più grande del mondo, la gestione patrimoniale globale .

Il team di progetto AIDUS ha attraversato 15 anni di processo di ricerca e sviluppo per il sistema di negoziazione Quant Trading (di seguito denominato "QTS"), avviando completamente il sistema nel 2015, ed è stato completamente verificato dal 2016 da vari professionisti dell'asset management attraverso la dimostrazione di il sistema e l'operazione pilota sulla gestione del fondo, verificando pienamente la sicurezza del sistema.

Compiti principali del progetto 
Innanzitutto è l'istituzione di un sistema di mercato dei fondi sicuro e decentralizzato.

Determinazione di una transazione diretta attraverso il sistema di mercato dei fondi decentralizzato basato sulle tecnologie Blockchain 
Transazione rapida e accurata della sottoscrizione e del rimborso dei fondi tramite il Contratto SMART 
Fornitura di informazioni sui fondi credibili ea prova di manomissione 
Creazione di un sistema di sicurezza che protegge le informazioni private e le proprietà patrimoniali di investitori 
Strutturazione di un ambiente che può essere facilmente accessibile sia da investitori globali che da società di gestione patrimoniale (online / mobile) 
Fornitura di servizi orientati agli investitori con commissioni minime di servizi 
Secondo è l'adozione di una moneta unica che utilizza la criptovaluta.

Necessità dell'adozione di un sistema di criptovaluta reale che consente un regolamento senza limiti nell'accesso e nella redenzione di vari fondi esteri 
Necessità di una misura protettiva per i possessori di monete instillando un fondamentale per la criptovaluta 
Operazione di un sistema di moneta unica che consente la criptovaluta per gli investimenti e gestione patrimoniale 
Creazione dell'ecosistema di vari tipi di gestione patrimoniale e messa in sicurezza delle risorse attraverso il sistema della moneta unica 
Terzo è l'offerta di una soluzione ad alto profitto.

Le società di gestione patrimoniale hanno bisogno di soluzioni ad alto profitto La soluzione ad 
alto profitto deve essere dotata di un elevato grado di sicurezza 
Perché AIDUS

Moneta AIDUS Moneta fiat singola con la base dei fondamentali delle monete

Garanzia sul valore fondamentale 
ICO Asset Management tramite QTS Profitti simultanei derivanti dalla gestione delle attività e aumento del valore delle monete

Valuta reale - Moneta unica sul mercato 
Operazione di mercato della moneta unica per la firma, lo scambio e il rimborso

SMART QTS QTS, soluzione proprietaria ad alto profitto

QTS proprietario sulla piattaforma 
FOREX QTS basato sugli scambi completamente sviluppato QTS è fornito agli AMC all'interno della piattaforma È possibile progettare portafogli di fondi sicuri e ad alto profitto

Mercato dei fondi decentralizzati Mercato di finanziamento globale favorevole agli investitori 
Accesso gratuito alla sottoscrizione di fondi globali 
Accesso gratuito alla firma e all'autenticazione dei fondi 
Fornitura di informazioni sui fondi verificati

Commissioni minime addebitate agli investitori 
Utilizzo gratuito delle 
tariffe minime della piattaforma per gli investitori per lo scambio e il rimborso

Alla guida dell'ecosistema di ecosistema di gestione degli asset digitali dell'ecosistema che innoverà il mercato dell'asset management

Istituzione di Digital Asset Management Ecosistema 
Costituzione di un consorzio globale Cooperazione di Digital Asset Management Città District 
Management of Ecosystem Development Fund 
Sviluppo di tecnologie innovative e start-up (incubazione)




Gambar terkait

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we will talk about such a direction as trade relations in the network, namely in the network of crypto currencies. This topic is very interesting. After all, the market for crypto assets every day has an increasing development and in general attracts more and more users. Consequently, at this stage there are problems that are associated with the security of trade in finance on the Internet, as well as in general, the implementation of this kind of occupation. After all, sometimes it is difficult to find even a platform on which to perform these actions, I'm not talking about the fact that the maximum level of security will be achieved there. And the truth is, because the most important thing in our business. Indeed, in this area there is a direct work with finances, and that is why in this area there are a lot of scammers who strive to get access to your data and information in general. The other day, On the Internet, I met one interesting project that deals with this direction, and today we will talk about it. This project is calledAidus . And so, let's start a conversation.

About the project:

AIDUS- At its core, this project is the very stock platform on which users can trade, and also have full access to management and functionality in general, which will implement the convenience of working with assets. This project works in the network etrium, which is very remarkable. This network is quite young, but it has already managed to prove itself weightier enough. Also, the main feature is that users will be able to perform all their actions using such things as smart contracts, as well as all data will be reliably recorded in the blockchain, which will bring to this area the possibility of making secure transactions, under certain conditions, which will be spelled out in the smart contract, as well as everything will be permanently stored in blocks and will be seen. Without the possibility of removal.

This project was developed more than one year. It is based on the work of the company and the team over the fifteen years of its existence. And only recently, as soon as everything was done and implemented, the team was able to present this idea and the project as a whole to the world.

Accordingly, the team drew attention to the problems of the modern market and made an emphasis on safe sales and the possibility of implementing safe transactions. This is realized through a reliable system and technologies chosen as the basis. Also, a lot of importance is the accuracy of making payments, as well as their speed and processing. All this is also implemented in this platform.

Now I will say a few words about the sales of this project:

Token of this company will be called: AID. 
Sales will take place from the first of October 2018 and end on the thirty-first of January 2018. 
Minimum sales target: $ 10,000,000. 
Maximum sales target: $ 20,000,000.

From the author:

I would like to say that I am just doing reviews on projects and expressing my opinion on a particular product, as well as the implementation of the ideas that developers offer us. I do not in any way encourage you to invest, because investment is a matter of personal decision of each user. Also, I am not a financial expert who could give advice on investments. You make these decisions strictly independently. I want to remind you that I am not responsible for your investments. Read my reviews and learn a lot of interesting things. Have a nice day!

For more information and join AIDUS social media today please follow the following sources:



Hasil gambar untuk bounty AIDUS


Aidus platform simplify the process of
trading. Their section QTS deliver the full report on how profits are gain.
Fund managers and investors will likely cooperate with the aidus platform knowing this project is backed up by AngelVest one of the pioneered investor institution.

Aidus Platform is an ecosystem where investors will trade and invest using crypto-funds using decentralized, convenient and protected services under the platform. So meaning, Aidus will be the mediator for the global investors for handling their funds.

We know that during Early 2017, cryptocurrency is a smooth investment which crypto investors could easily gained profits without even studying the market. Example of this, is if someone around May or June bought bitcoin with 2,000$ , then sold it around mid of December, he must have gained almost 15k$ to 18k$ with its immense price during that time.

Right now the situation is merely different as we stood on a bear market. The same charisma that has been experienced last year wouldn't happen in an instant today. But chances to gain profits, is to look for ICO projects that has significant potential to improve and produced gains in a market like this. Yes, look for the one. Ive been here in the crypto space for more than a year, and I encountered different style of ICOs and concepts. But this one I bumped in, is make me curious since what their planning is a fund platform that will surely backed up by technical procedure on trading and asset management. Yes, this is called Aidus Project.

  • Crowdsale
  • Token Sale
  • ICO start date 01 Oct 2018
  • ICO end date 31 Jan 2019
  • ICO token supply 20,000,000,000
  • Soft cap 10,000,000 USD (fiat)
  • Hard cap size 20,000,000 USD (fiat)
  • Token details
  • Ticker AID
  • Type Cryptocurrency
  • Additional Token Emission No
  • Token distribution 37,7% – investors (escalation)13,3% – investor (ICO)
  • 10% – team
  • 8% – bounty
  • 10% – stabilization fund
  • 1% – social contribution budget
  • 10% – ecosystem develoment fund
  • 10% – airdrop budget

Funds allocation:
  • 50% – management
  • 10% – reserve
  • 6% – development
  • 10% – operation fund
  • 5% – market research, analysis
  • 7% – marketing
  • 2% – professional consuting
  • 10% – legal/accounting/taxation
AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform is a decentralized fund market established upon the ETHEREUM network to serve as a professional asset management platform in which global investors and asset management companies are able to use Blockchain technologies and SMART Contracts to safely and transparently create and settle into P2P (Peer-to-Peer) fund agreements.

Various information regarding the settled fund agreements shall be registered in the Blockchain network and shall continuously be updated through the Oracles* Agent.

This project, officially named as the ‘AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform (ADFP)’, is decentralized platform business by establishing a ‘decentralized fund market platform’ in which the AIDUS Coin will serve as the main currency that would be used for the signing and redemption of various fund portfolios.

The platform will connect global investors (the demand group for the asset management) with professional asset management companies, while it would supply the ‘Quant Trading System(QTS)’ to the asset management companies in order for them to create various high profit fund items, all aiming at truly revolutionizing and establishing a new ecosystem of global asset management market.

This ‘ADFP Business’ is the first ever unique project in the entire world that can only be pushed forward by the unique members here in the AIDUS Project Team.

Core Tasks of the Project

First is the establishment of a safe decentralized fund market system.

Establishing of a direct transaction through the decentralized fund market system based on the Blockchain technologies
Rapid and accurate transaction of fund signing and redemption through the SMART Contract
Providing of credible and tamper-proof fund information
Establishing of security system that protects private information and asset property of investors
Structuring of environment that can be conveniently accessed by both global investors and asset management companies (Online / Mobile)
Providing of investor-oriented services with minimum service fees
Second is the adoption of a single currency using the cryptocurrency.

Necessity of the adoption of real cryptocurrency system enabling limitless settlement in signing in and redemption of various foreign fund items
Necessity of a protective measure for coin holders (investors) by instilling a fundamental to the cryptocurrency
Operation of a single currency system enabling the cryptocurrency for investment and asset management
Establishing of the ecosystem of various types of asset management and securing of resources through the single currency system
Third is the providing of a high-profit solution.

If you are interested in the project, you can find more information on the following links to the website, technical document and social networks:


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