Welcome platform lovers, now I will invite all of you to get to know the FILES.FM platform and try to discuss this platform a little, which allows us to find something that is definitely interesting and makes us want to join this platform.
The Files.fm library will be created by combining technology and best practices from a centralized and decentralized world. Both of these network types have advantages and disadvantages, so Files.fm will combine both to limit their weaknesses and highlight their facilities.
Bittorrent and other decentralized P2P networks are known to be not very reliable, because any file can become inaccessible at any time and the user interface is usually lacking. While the classic centralized client-server architecture has scalability problems - because the number of users increases, the speed drops but service costs increase.
In the Files.fm platform, P2P is used and interconnected in two main components:
- Decentralized file sharing between users, based on the P2P Torrent framework and the customized Files.fm function;
- An independent and direct payment system between partners (seller-buyers) based on blockchain FFM.
P2P file sharing technology is used to ensure system growth, speed and be cost-effective — to implement massive file sharing for a large and fast-growing number of users to achieve these targets:
- fast download speed;
- unlimited traffic;
- able support thousands of simultaneous users and traffic spikes;
- reduce service maintenance fees;
- independent file exchange.
As the market for file sharing and online collaboration grows, so does the opportunity for users and hackers to damage the company's data and reputation.
Increased use of mobile devices by employees is the main driver behind the application of file sharing solutions and online collaboration at the company level. Security issues are the most frequently cited reason behind this interest.
These security issues include data leakage, web-based threats, and application layer vulnerabilities.
The organization also grapples with ongoing questions about data and regulatory compliance in an online file sharing environment.
In short, this platform seeks to solve this problem:
The current platform does not have capabilities in many ways, for example in storage, function, and use. Also, the available legal options are less competitive, preservation of data for future generations is not enough, and finally the problem of sticking out is limited free use in file sharing.
The solution
This is a solution to the sticking issues that have been identified in that it provides a legal and free to use digital file library that offers services for the society thereby giving a suitable search, access and share useful content online with copyrights properly done.
In more practical terms the team intends to make it real for users to access important free and paid content in a manner that is effortless and legally permitted, give incentives to content creators or authors and help group members to get paid for doing useful work in order to store digital heritage for the benefit of present and future internet users.
The set out intentions will be achieved by a scalable hybrid-decentralized community supported storage platform, correct and viable business model and a blockchain as a distributed, transparent and read-only database to help fast and micropayments, store copyrights, useful work done and reward distribution.

The platform intends to make use of what is already in place in terms of what we have in library creation principles and combine it with a new hybrid semi-decentralized technology, leveraging p2p fog network of web browsers for the purpose of cutting down costs and the inadequacy of centralized digital libraries.
Additionally, the project will concentrate on designing and sustaining a group of volunteers that will be required to upload, tag and do oversight on important files. The volunteers would be provided with incentives in form of the platform’s tokens.
Reasons why blockchain payments are implemented:
- The level of transparency and independence that blockchain provides;
- All transactions, sales and licenses are registered on a public ledger and turn immutable;
- We would like to use tokens as independently exchangeable digital currency;
- FFM tokens will allow for users, doers, customers and creators to become a part of the platform’s economy and value;
- Crypto token transactions will cost less than credit cards and will enable direct and fast payments internally, to avoid “standard 3% + 0.30” commissions, which in turn allows users to implement and execute micropayments;
- Simplified Value Flow: One of the token applications in the product will be file sales, without involving heavy/slow current payment gateways.

Tokens FFM:
- Total Token Supply 10 000 000 000
- Limited Supply Yes
- Price per Token $ 0.01
- Symbol FFM
- Type ERC20
- First Year Crowdsale:
- Private sale $ 1 000 000
- Presale $ 1 000 000
- Public sale $ 10 000 000

Our core focus will be on the usability of the system and convenience. We will integrate P2P tech usage very transparent for end users — no need to learn how blockchain works or install and configure any software. Users will be able to participate in the network by just opening Files.fm website (via web browser) and we will integrate options to buy/sell tokens and create wallets if needed. Lot of automation and smart contract integrations.
If you are interested and want to follow this platform, you can use the link below:
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